Friday, May 18, 2012

"I've got designer bags~under my eyes!"

I saw this title on a pic and I LOVE it!!!! Its perfect for me this past week, as I don't think I could get any more tired. Hubs is home from the hospital, yay!!!! However, playing nurse is quite the job, and doesn't stop when it gets dark. I am setting an alarm to take his BP and give him meds every few hours. On top of that, LJ spiked a fever nite before last (103.3) He has always been my fever boy, spiking real high in the wee morning hours. Then yesterday am was very upset because his ear hurt. He wouldn't let me touch him or comfort him (not happy about it!!) His ped said it was a nasty ear infection and cleaned a lot of yucky pus out of his ear. So after 5 (when the office is closed) I notice blood and pus draining from my baby's ear. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Google, to the rescue. Looks as if his ear drum ruptured/perforated. Also glad I spent a few years working in a ped office, bc I can remember other kiddos having the same problem. No ER visit since hubs can't be here alone, and doc said to call in am if there was discharge. Part of me is glad its Friday, the other part, not so much!!!!! LJ's party is tomorrow afternoon, and with all that has been going on, I AM NOT READY!!!!!!!!!!!!! The wookie cookies are done, and the yard is mowed and trimmed. I still have to pick it up, rearrange the furniture out there, make the lego cakes, make the cone cupcakes, clean the house, and care for 2 ill men, UGH, BLAH, POO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want nothing more than to crawl in my bed, close my eyes and sleep for a few days. Since that is NOT going to happen, I smile, suck it up, and do the best I can :D

Ok, done ranting now, here are my Ryan's.

Seriously, who wouldn't????????

Oh Ryan, you read my mind!!!!

Maybe I should try this pose??? 

I have to thank Sunday, for yet another Ryan Friday!!!!! I LOVE Ryan Fridays!!! Most importantly I love the little escape from reality when I am making my pics. So a BIG THANK YOU TO SUNDAY :D
Now don't forget to head over to Adventures in Extreme Parenthood to check out Sunday's and the other Ryan link ups :) Have a great weekend all. May the force be with you!!! ( sorry, Star wars themed party, so Star wars on the brain, lol)


  1. Wow. You do have a.lot on your plate. Take a few minutes to yourself, even if just to hide in the bathroom, and take deep breaths. It helps.

    I too am thankful for the minutes of escape a week I get when im giggling and creating my Ryan posters. I need it. (We all do)

    I hope things settle down for you after the weekend and that your son has a wonderful party.

    1. Thank you Debi! I def need a moment to myself! Hoping the party goes well too. LJ has been leery of crowds, so I am thinking it will be a rough evening from the stimulation. Oh well, one step at a time! Have a great weekend :)

  2. None of that sounds like any fun at all. I'll forgive you for doing pervy things with Ryan.

    1. ha ha Jim, sorry, needed some stress relief! These bags under my eyes are consuming my face, lol

  3. Sounds like you need a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG visit with rest and relaxation! Hope the party goes well and everyone heals quickly!

    1. Thank you Sarah. Ah yes, I am thinking of a nice beach, white sand, wine BOTTLE in hand.....dammit, I woke up :D

  4. I'm pretty sure I could pack for my whole family with the bags under my eyes at present! LOL! Have a great weekend!

  5. There is nothing better than a Star Wars party with a Lego cake, did I read that correctly?

    And do take a minute for yourself. The house cleaning and everything else can will still be there. Hugs to you and have a good birthday party. :)

    1. yepper, Lego Star wars, his current obsession, lol. Thank you Lizbeth, I will. I actually just changed the party from our house to the local park, that way the house can wait :D

  6. Sounds like the party will be a blast! I grew up on Star Wars..I can even sort of talk like Yoda. Comfy Ryan is comfy.

    1. A great weekend have you Christine :D I love yoda :)

  7. I think I need to give the old fetal position a try!

  8. I love your designer bags line! You have so much going on, I feel like an underachiever. Hugs and loved your memes. -a fellow butt-pincher. :)

    1. Who could resist those buns??? Lol. Thank you, i am not always so busy, thank God!! hugs to u too, have a great weekend!!!

  9. Hope the party went well and your guys are on the mend. You need a break!

    1. party was great, ty! And yes, i def need a break :)

  10. Thanks for sharing a piece of your life! I really enjoyed your blog. More power to you!

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